Monday, February 29, 2016

66 Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts to Help You Photoshop Like a Pro


Raise your hand if you’ve ever wasted time in Photoshop.

I know the feeling: You know what you want to do – like crop a photo, select a certain tool, or change the size of the canvas – but you’re not quite sure which buttons to press to make that happen.

I’ve spent what’s felt like hours trolling through the Photoshop menu, hoping to stumble on the button I need. Wouldn’t it be much easier if you could just press a button and magically make it happen?

Download 195 free visual design templates here to make do-it-yourself design even easier. 

I have good news for you: Photoshop has a wealth of nifty keyboard shortcuts that work just like that – minus the magic. By pressing a few keys on your computer keyboard at the same time, you can select tools, manipulate images and layers, and even make adjustments to your project’s canvas. 

To be honest, Photoshop has way too many shortcuts to remember if you’re just starting out with the software. It’s really hard to track of them all. So, if you’re a beginner at Photoshop who’s looking to save some time, check out the following shortcuts.

Note: All of these shortcuts can be accessed on PC and Mac, so we’ve included both types below. Mac instructions appear in italicized parentheses if the shortcuts are different on each platform. Also, unless the plus sign is a command (like in the “Zoom in” example), do not press the plus sign between commands.

If you can memorize them all, go for it. Otherwise, feel free to bookmark this page and come back again and again. We won’t mind. ;)

66 Photoshop Shortcut Keys to Save You Time 

Got something specific in mind? Click on a section below to jump to that section.

Getting Set Up

You’d think setting up your content in Photoshop would be second nature; but oftentimes, the shortcuts to change the background size or zoom in to your project aren’t what you think. Here are some of the most crucial shortcuts to know:

Control + Alt + i ( Command + Option + i ) = Change the image size.

Control + Alt + c ( Command + Option + c ) = Change canvas size.

Control + + ( Command + + ) = Zoom in. 

Control + - ( Command + - ) = Zoom out.

Control + ; ( Command + ; ) = Show guides, the custom-placed single straight lines that help you align objects to one another.

Control + ’ ( Command ‘ ) = Show grid, the automatically generated horizontal and vertical lines that help align objects to the canvas.

Choosing the Right Tools

These shortcuts will activate the previously selected tool in the group of tools. For example, if you have last used the Magic Wand tool under the selection tools, the “w” shortcut enables the Magic Wand tool – even though it’s not the default selection tool. But, if you haven’t used any tool in the group, it will enable the default tool. Make sense? 

Note: To cycle through tools that share the same shortcut, press Shift + the shortcut key. Or, hold Alt (Option on a Mac) and manually click on the tool in the toolbar.

v = Pointer, a.k.a. Move Tool pointer-tool.png (Also: Artboard)

w = Magic Wand magic-wand-tool.png (Also: Quick Selection)

m = Rectangular Marquee, a.k.a. the Select Tool marquee-tool-1.png (Also: Elliptical Marquee, Single Row Marquee, Single Column Marquee)

l = Lasso lasso-tool.png (Also: Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso)

i= Eyedropper eyedropper-tool.png (Also: Color Sampler, Ruler, Note, Count)

c = Crop crop-tool.png (Also: Slice, Slice Select)

e = Eraser eraser-tool.png (Also: Background Eraser, Magic Eraser)

u = Rectangle rectangle-tool.png (Also: Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Line, Custom Shape)

t = Horizontal Type text-tool.png (Also: Vertical Type, Horizontal Type Mask, Vertical Type Mask)

b = Brush brush-tool-1.png (Also: Pencil, Color Replacement, Mixer Brush)

h = History Brush history-brush-tool.png (Also: Art History Brush)

j = Spot Healing Brush spot-healing-tool.png (Also: Healing Brush, Patch, Red Eye)

g = Gradient gradient-tool.png (Also: Paint Bucket)

p = Path Selection path-selection-tool.png (Also: Direct Selection)

h = Hand hand-tool.png

r = Rotate View rotate-view-tool.png

p = Pen pen-tool.png (Also: Freeform Pen)

c = Clone Stamp clone-stamp-tool.png (Also: Pattern Stamp)

o = Dodge dodge-tool.png (Also: Burn, Sponge)

z = Zoom Tool zoom-tool.png

k = Enable 3D Object Tools (in Photoshop Extended only) 

n = Enable 3D Camera Tools (in Photoshop Extended only) 

Using the Brush Tool

With the brush settings, you can change the size, shape, and transparency of your brush strokes to achieve a number of different visual effects. (Learn more about the brush tool here.)

To use these keyboard shortcuts, first select the Brush tool by pressing bbrush-tool.png

, or . = Select previous or next brush style.

Shift + , or . = Select first or last brush style used.

Caps Lock or Shift + Caps Lock ( Caps Lock ) = Display precise cross hair for brushes.

Shift + Alt + p ( Shift + Option + p ) = Toggle airbrush option.

Using the Marquee Tool (for Slicing/Selecting)

When used correctly, the marquee (or “select”) tool will let you select individual elements, entire graphics, and determines what is copied, cut, and pasted into your graphics. (Learn more about the marquee tool here.)

To use these keyboard shortcuts, first select the Marquee tool by pressing mmarquee-tool-2.png

Control ( Command ) = Toggle between Slice tool and Slice Selection tool.

Shift-drag = Draw square slice.


Alt-drag ( Option-drag ) = Draw from center outward.

Spacebar-drag = Reposition the slice while creating the slice.

Using Different Blending Options

Blending options include quite a number of features to enhance the look or your graphic. Blending options are located in the top menu bar under Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options, or you can double-click any layer to bring up the options for that particular layer. (Learn more about blending options here.)

Once you open blending options, you can cycle through blending modes manually by selecting them from the toolbar on the right-hand side of your screen above the layers panel.


Or, you could use keyboard shortcuts to select them without moving your mouse.

To use these keyboard shortcuts, select the Move tool and then select the layer you’d like to use the blending options on.

Shift + + or – = Cycle through blending modes.

Shift + Alt + n ( Shift + Option + n ) = Normal

Shift + Alt + i ( Shift + Option + i ) = Dissolve

Shift + Alt + k ( Shift + Option + k ) = Darken

Shift + Alt + g ( Shift + Option + g ) = Lighten

Shift + Alt + m ( Shift + Option + m ) = Multiply

Shift + Alt + o ( Shift + Option + o ) = Overlay

Shift + Alt + u ( Shift + Option + u ) = Hue

Shift + Alt + t ( Shift + Option + t ) = Saturation

Shift + Alt + y ( Shift + Option + y ) = Luminosity

(For even more blending shortcuts, click here.)

Manipulating Layers & Objects

If you want to modify an object or get complex with multiple layers, here are several shortcuts you should know:

Control + a ( Command + ) = Select all objects

Control + d ( Command + d )  = Deselect all objects

Shift + Control + i ( Shift Command + ) = Select the inverse of the selected objects

Control + Alt + a ( Command + Option + a ) = Select all layers

Control + Shift + E ( Command + Shift + e ) = Merge all layers

Alt + . ( Option + . ) = Select top layer

Alt + , ( Option + , ) = Select bottom layer

(Note: In the following three commands, the brackets [ ] are the keystrokes in the command, and the word “or” refers to the word – as in press one bracket OR the other – not the letters “o” and “r.”)

Alt + [ or ] ( Option + [ or ] ) = Select next layer down or up

Control + [ or ] ( Command + [ or ] ) = Move target layer down or up

Control + Shift + [ or ] ( Command + Shift + [ or ] ) = Move layer to the bottom or top

Shift + Control + Shift Command + ) = Create a new layer

Control + g ( Command + g ) = Group selected layers

Control + Shift + g ( Command + Shift + = Ungroup selected layers

Control + e ( Command + ) = Merge and flatten selected layers

Control + Shift + Alt + e ( Command + Shift + Option + ) = Combine all layers into a new layer on top of the other layers

(This means that you’ll have one combined layer and all the elements of that layer in separate layers below, unlike a traditional merge and flatten layers command.)

d = Return the colors in your color picker back to default (black and white)


x = Switch foreground and background colors in the color picker

color-picker-black-and-white.png color-picker-switched-1.png

Control + t ( Command + ) = Transform your object, which includes resizing and rotating

Saving Your Work for Later

So you’ve finished working on your project and now you want to share it with the world. Save time saving your project by using these simple shortcuts:

Control + Shifts ( Command + Shift + = Save your work as

Control + Shift + Alt + s ( Command + Shift + Option + = Save for web and devices

Do you have any Photoshop shortcuts up your sleeve? Share them with the rest of us in the comments below.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in October 2013 and has been updated and for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

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How Internet Behavior is Changing Around the World [Infographic]


Last year, marketers and businesspeople around the world saw a huge change in the way people use the internet. Most notably, in May 2015, we saw that more people were using their mobile devices to search for things online than on their desktop computers.

But these changes aren’t happening at the same rate everywhere in the world. In Iceland, Monaco, and Ukraine, the majority of internet users are using desktop to surf the web. On the other end of the spectrum, most internet users in many Southeast Asian countries are relying on their mobile devices for internet.

Which devices are folks using to search the internet around the world? What do social sharing behaviors look like by device? What are some notable global social media trends?

To help us understand how internet behavior has been shifting on a global scale in the past year, the folks at AddThis looked at more than one trillion global pageviews from more than two billion internet users around the world. They used that data to create the infographic below. Check it out.


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5 Key Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became a Manager


When I was just starting out management didn’t seem like a career choice; it seemed like an inevitable. Something that would just sort of happen once I got old enough – like wrinkles, or gray hair, or distinctly unfashionable pants. I figured: You work long enough, you’ll manage someone.

I liked the idea of managing because it felt like progress. I wanted that nebulous trophy of achievement. I wanted it bad. But then something important happened …

I started actually achieving. I was progressing in concrete and measurable ways that had nothing to do with management. And I saw my peers do the same. They were climbing into new and more challenging roles – some involved management, but others advanced them as highly skilled and sought-after individual contributors.

Seeing the diversity of paths that careers can take, I stopped thinking about management as some sort of suit-sporting end-goal. And then I became a manager, and discovered that that realization was only the beginning of what I had to learn.

For starters, the skill set is totally different. In fact, the skills you mastered to become a top performer on your team might challenge you most as a manager. It’s like spending your whole life developing skills as a tuba player, then being handed a baton. You could be a brilliant conductor eventually, but in the beginning you’ll pretty much look like you’re shooing flies longing for the days when you played music more directly.

Management is tricky like that. Unlike some roles, which can be studied in advance, most management skills are best learned on the job. You’re going to make mistakes. Embrace them and learn from them. And if you need a little guidance, check out some of the lessons I learned below.

5 Key Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became a Manager

1) Don’t aim to be liked. Aim to be transformational.

The first inclination of many managers is to make sure their team likes them. It makes sense – you catch more bees with honey than vinegar, and you must be doing something right if people like you. But managers who focus too much on being liked miss the bigger picture. You do more for your team and for your company if you focus on being instrumental – even when doing so requires an unpopular decision or a bit of radical candor.

I learned this directly from HubSpot’s CEO Brian Halligan. Brian is widely regarded as likable guy, but he’ll trade in that popularity in a second if it stands in the way of a decision he thinks is critical for the company and its customers. He explained this thinking recently in a personal post:

“I think the leadership hierarchy of needs is that managers need to solve for enterprise value first, then solve for their team, and then themselves. Oftentimes when managers on my team have stumbled, it’s because they got that equation wrong. Ironically, in almost all cases where this happened, the manager solved for his team, not for himself first. Inexperienced managers tend to coddle their teams, overspend on their teams, and put their team’s interest over the company’s interest if not properly guided. This coddling works for a while, but ultimately always breaks.”

When you solve for your team, you earn popularity and your team stays comfortable. When you solve for the company, you earn respect and your team grows professionally. That’s the difference between a decent manager and a transformational one.

2) Don’t worry if you team doesn’t always need you.

I wrote this in a similar post a few years ago, but it bears repeating: The scariest realization I had when I started managing was that my team would be perfectly fine without me.

Do you have any idea how terrifying that is?

I remember thinking, “My one job is to manage these people, but they’re managing just fine.” And I felt useless. As it turns out, I was an idiot for feeling useless.

I should have felt elated. I had a strong team. If you’re hiring right, you should be bringing on people who are fully capable at managing themselves. You should, in fact, be bringing on people who are smarter than you. It turns out management has very little to do with managing and almost everything to do with developing. Developing people. Developing opportunities. And developing new uses for raw talent.

Left alone, your team will manage just fine. But here again, just managing shouldn’t be the end goal. The end goal should be excelling.

Managers who are too worried about being needed will spend all their time and energy on the wrong things. They will micromanage. They will put up hoops. They will inadvertently limit the potential of their team just to justify their own role in it. And the honest-to-God truth is: If you have to tell people you’re the authority, you’re likely not.

3) Coaches don’t couch.

I’m nice. I can’t shake it. As a teen, I listened to Rancid and Social Distortion in an effort to toughen up. I learned to curse like a sailor to add edge to my sentences. But the truth is, I’m just nice. It’s never going to leave me. That made this lesson a particularly hard one to master.

Good coaches don’t hold back hard feedback. They don’t couch it to soften the blow or sandwich it between two complements. They just tell it like it is. Couching tends to confuse the people receiving it rather than help them. You’re not doing them any favors. You’re only making yourself feel less mean.


There are two ways people fail at this:

  1. They can’t bring themselves to give the hard feedback.
  2. They give hard feedback without building trust in the relationship first.

You can tell your direct report anything if they trust that you are doing so because you respect them.

Kim Scott, an author who’s previously worked with companies like Twitter, Apple, Google, and Dropbox credits much of her development to having mentors who understood the critical intersection between these two things. In an interview with The Growth Show she recounted the time her mentor Sheryl Sandberg told her that the “ums” Scott had been interjecting while speaking made her sound unintelligent – well, actually not unintelligent, “stupid.”

“It was actually the kindest thing that Sheryl could have done for me. But part of the reason why she was able to do it for me was that she had shown me in a thousand ways – and everybody that worked for her – that she really did care personally about our growth and our development.”

Had Sandberg softened her feedback it may not have resonated so strongly. Had Scott not trusted that Sandberg wanted the best for her, she would never have put her defenses down to truly hear it. The combination of the two made this an important and formative moment for Scott.

4) Meetings really do matter.

When was the last time you left a meeting and thought, “That was exceptional.”?

It’s been awhile, right? For many, it’s been a professional lifetime. While most productivity articles focus on finding ways to shorten meetings and optimize work-time, a better question might be: What would it take to make meetings actually worthwhile? It’s a responsibility that sits largely in the hands of managers.


It may seem like a silly little thing, but the clearest way you can show your team you respect them is to prepare for team meetings. Don’t just show up. Don’t adhere to the same agenda month after month. Make every second of your meeting productive, educational, or interesting. You will inevitably bobble this. You will have some bad meetings, but it’s a skill worth honing.

Treat your meetings like college professors treat their seminars. Set aside time before each major meeting to prepare for it. If a meeting takes your team away from their work for an hour, then you better be sure you put in the prep time to make that hour as productive as possible.

Make your meetings interactive. Research suggests people lose focus in a lecture somewhere between 10 and 18 minutes. At that point both you and your team need a break from hearing the sound of your voice. It’s okay. Build that in. Tap members of your team to present or shift into a brainstorm when you hit that point. Again, make sure everyone presenting does the prep work and respects the time that their teammates have given up to be there.

5) You can’t approach everyone the same way.

The one thing that has helped me the most as a manager, on both good days and bad, has been understanding the people on my team. It sounds obvious, but taking the time to get to know what motivates each team member and what discourages them is a strategic advantage. Having this understanding means that you can play to the strengths of individual team members when assigning projects and adapt feedback to the way each person learns.

There are a number of trainings and personality tests that can help you know your team better. Here at HubSpot, we use something called a DiSC assessment to help classify work styles so new managers have a basic roadmap. The real understanding however comes over time, through conversation, and by paying close attention. It doesn’t hurt to ask directly how each person likes to be recognized for a job well done and what makes them happiest in their role. Use one on one meetings to discover how you can best coach the members of your team and what they’re looking to do next in their roles and their careers.

There is no grand conclusion here. Everything you’ve just read comprises a starting point, a few stumbling blocks of what could be many in the path to managing well. That I suppose is the bonus lesson: Managers are almost never fully cooked. There are always more mistakes to be made and greater lessons to learn. But if you get a few essentials right, including those in this post, you’ll have a good navigational compass for learning the rest.

What do you wish you knew before you became a manager? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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How to Use Facebook Ad Bidding


Do you use Facebook ads? Have you tried ad bidding? Understanding how to use Facebook ad bidding will help you reach your campaign goals for less money. In this article you’ll discover how to use Facebook ad bidding with your Facebook ad campaigns. Facebook Ad Bidding The bidding options for Facebook ads have changed slightly. […]

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5 Creative Ways to Grow Your Email List


Want to grow your email list? Got a blog? New tools and placement options have made it easier than ever to create an offer that compels blog visitors to share their email address with you. In this article you’ll discover five unique ways to grow your email list from your blog readers. #1: Put Your […]

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Psychology of Teams: 9 Lessons on How Happy, Efficient Teams Really Work


This post originally appeared on HubSpot’s Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post.

Remember a job you loved? (Hopefully, it’s the one you have now!)

Remember a job you hoped to leave?

When I reflect back on my career journey, I have jobs that fit both categories, and the difference has often been the fit of the team. The happier and hustle-ier the group of coworkers, the more we get done and the more fun we have doing it.

Now imagine having a way to get there, no matter where on that spectrum your team sits now.

I researched a bit into some of the psychology and underpinnings of the most efficient, most happy team setups. Here’s what I’ve discovered.

1) How cohesive is your team?

The three biggest factors: Trust, respect, and affirmation

One of the best places I’ve found to look for tips on the workplace is in recognizing which tips work great for relationships in general. Take this advice from a research roundup done at Lee University:

Research on healthy relationships between adults and young people has consistently identified respect, affirmation, and trust as the most influential factors.

One very interesting and useful study was conducted by Dr. Jim Tunney, who asked teachers to assess the degree to which they cared for and respected their students (90% and 80% respectively chose 8 or higher on a scale of 10). He then asked students to indicate the degree to which they believed their teacher cared for and/or respected them (30% and 25% respectively chose 8 or higher on the same 10-point scale).

The emphasis on respect, affirmation, and trust comes from the results of a family assessment model called FACES, which asks a series of questions about cohesiveness and adaptability of one’s relationships. (Sample questions here.)


I’ve heard this exact idea shared before as the way to build a cohesive family, a cohesive group of friends, and yes, even a cohesive workplace.

Dr. Stephen Glenn, a parenting expert, built this concept into his training courses on developing capable young people. Dr. Glenn, who raised four biological children and 20(!) foster children, ties those talks directly back to the research and results of FACES and more.

2) How task-diverse is your day?

The brain benefits to doing different types of tasks

This should not be confused with multitasking – doing more than one thing at a time, which can be tough.

In Your Brain at Work, David Rock covers the different science behind working smarter on the job. One of the big takeaways: Different types of tasks use up different amounts of energy.

Seems quite obvious, right? Yet, I’m still constantly guilty of getting plugged into the same big task for huge chunks of time.

Let your team members build their days so they have diverse sets of tasks to do, and you might just see better results and happier outcomes. From the book:

  • Lower stress and anxiety: "Bring your dopamine or adrenaline level down by activating other regions of the brain other than the prefrontal cortex.“
  • Avoid blocks of emailing: "A study done at the University of London found that constant emailing and text-messaging reduces mental capability by an average of ten points on an IQ test.”
  • Get disciplined about a schedule: “Schedule blocks of time for different modes of thinking.”

One of the ways we’ve gone about this last step at Buffer is to structure our days with workstation popcorn:


Image Credit: Buffer

You start your day with a to-do list, then plan your list around different cafes, coffee shops, and workstations, popping from one to the next when you’ve completed a set of tasks.

3) What is the personality mix of your team?

Create a good blend of the big five personality types

In the 1970s, two groups of personality researchers independently came to the conclusion that most personality traits can placed in five broad categories, now known as the Big Five. They are:

  1. Openness: Those who score high for this trait tend to enjoy adventure and are open to new experiences.
  2. Conscientiousness: High scorers for conscientiousness are generally organized and dependable.
  3. Extraversion: Those who are high on this scale draw their energy from being around others, so they tend to be more sociable (not to be confused with outgoing!).
  4. Agreeableness: High scorers for this trait are often trusting, helpful, and compassionate.
  5. Emotional stability: People with high scores for this trait are usually confident and don’t tend to worry often (this may be tested as neuroticism, in which case high scorers would be prone to worrying and anxiety).


Image Credit: Out of Service

(If you’re curious about these, you can try this online test to see how you score.)

The idea is that when it comes to team-building, you should focus on collecting a mix of these Big Five and blending them into the team-at-large and the individual teams within. Here are some specific tips:

  1. Take note of the personality traits you need before hiring
  2. Look for personalities that will fit into and complement your company culture
  3. Pair new employees up with team members who suit their personality type

4) How big is your team?

How to shrink your teams and limit choices

In Paradox of Choice, author Barry Schwartz describes the problem with having too many choices: dissatisfaction, regret, uncertainty. One of his tips: At restaurants, close the menu after you find the dish you like. Simple. Done.

To carry the food analogy further, this concept relates to the way that Amazon’s Jeff Bezos approaches team structure. Bezos defaults to small: If a team can’t be fed with two pizzas, it is too big.

5) How much doing does your leader do?

Bill Walsh’s standard of performance (i.e., lead from the front)

Former San Francisco 49ers head coach Bill Walsh, who won three Super Bowls and popularized a revolutionary new way to play football, wrote a book that is kind of about football but mostly about leadership and life: The Score Will Take Care of Itself.

Pretty metaphorical title!

One of the lessons from the book touches on the concept of leadership, particularly as it relates to those in leadership positions.

Someone will declare, “I am the leader!” and expect everyone to get in line and follow him or her to the gates of heaven or hell. My experience is that it doesn’t happen that way. Unless you’re a guard on a chain gang, others follow you based on the quality of your actions rather than the magnitude of your declarations.

Part of running an efficient, happy team is placing leadership around it that is action-based. Walsh came up with a system he called “My Standard of Performance,” which guided everything he did. Here are some highlights:

  1. Exhibit a ferocious and intelligently applied work ethic directed at continual improvement.
  2. Demonstrate respect for each person in the organization and the work he or she does.
  3. Be deeply committed to learning and teaching, which means increasing my own expertise.
  4. Be fair.
  5. Demonstrate character.
  6. Honor the direct connection between details and improvement, and relentlessly seek the latter.
  7. Show self-control, especially where it counts most – under pressure; demonstrate and prize loyalty.
  8. Use positive language and have a positive attitude.
  9. Take pride in my effort as an entity separate from the result of that effort.
  10. Be willing to go the extra distance for the organization.
  11. Deal appropriately with victory and defeat, adulation, and humiliation (don’t get crazy with victory nor dysfunctional with loss).
  12. Promote internal communication that is both open and substantive (especially under stress); seek poise in myself and those I lead.
  13. Put the team’s welfare and priorities ahead of my own.
  14. Maintain an ongoing level of concentration and focus that is abnormally high, and make sacrifice and commitment the organization’s trademark.

Not that those in leadership positions at your place of work need to do all these things, but what might it feel like to work with someone who embodied even some of this stuff?

6) How do your employees experience freedom and responsibility?

The joy of giving decision-making to all

Dennis Bakke’s The Decision Maker is an allegorical story about what it’s like when decisions aren’t solely made by those in leadership.

It’s a fascinating concept. Giving employees responsibility and freedom to make decisions can be transformative, with the thought being that the closer one is to the problem – not the boss in a lot of cases – the better decision can be made.

Here’s a snippet from the book, jumping into a conversation between an employee in HR and the CEO of the company. The CEO says:

“You’ve got the responsibility, but you’ve also got the freedom. Think through these questions. Figure out what you think will work best. Do whatever you need to. If you want to connect with other people who are thinking about this, get advice from other businesses, you let me know. Whatever research you need to do, we’ll make it happen. And then come to me with your decisions about how to handle human resources going forward.”

“So you can sign off on them?” Angela challenged.

Tom shook his head. “Nope,” he said. “So I understand what’s happening in the business.”

7) Why do you have values?

Phew! Values don’t have to equal success

We place great emphasis on the culture and values we hold at Buffer. They define the way we do just about everything: from product to marketing to support to our personal lives. They run deep!

We like to think that part of the great outcome of having these shared values is that we’re excited and motivated to come to work together each and every day.

That being said, values are not a shortcut to results.

Our CEO Joel Gascoigne summed it up really well in this blog post:

This is the approach we have started to take at Buffer with our cultural values such as Happiness and Positivity or Defaulting to Transparency.

I can’t say that creating a company where everyone is happy is something that will make us more successful, and I can’t say that being fully transparent about revenues, user numbers, salaries, and other details helps us grow faster than other companies.

These are simply values we have chosen to live by.

8) Are the right people on your bus?

The delicate art of hiring and firing

If we get the right people on the bus, the right people in the right seats, and the wrong people off the bus, then we’ll figure out how to take it someplace great.

This quote from Jim Collins (from his hugely popular book Good to Great) covers the way we like to think about hiring. We hope to get the right people on the bus, first and foremost. Then we can always swap seats later and figure out together where we’re headed.

Of course, getting the right people on the bus might mean being a bit more disciplined about hiring or taking stock of who’s on the bus already.

Again, Joel has some great thoughts on the perspective of getting the passengers right, even if it means some hard conversations: “I would even go a step further and say that keeping people around who are not a great culture-fit is one of the worst things that could happen to someone. It has almost always been a mutual feeling when I had the conversation to let someone go: They felt some relief. I even have this quote on my wall to remind myself to think in this way:

‘Waiting too long before acting is equally unfair to the people who need to get off the bus. For every minute you allow a person to continue holding a seat when you know that person will not make it in the end, you’re stealing a portion of his life, time that he could spend finding a better place where he could flourish.’ - Jim Collins”

9) How much do you think about an efficient, happy team?

The yin and yang of intrinsic versus extrinsic

Here’s a cool story about cats. (Courtesy of Dr. Wayne Dyer.)

One day this old alley cat crossed paths with a younger cat who was frantically running around, trying to catch its own tail. The older cat watched carefully for awhile. When the young cat stopped for a breather, the older cat asked, “Would you mind telling me what you are doing?”

The young cat said, “Sure thing! I went to Cat Philosophy School and learned that happiness is in our tails. So I am going to keep chasing my tail and someday I will catch it and get a big bite of happiness.”

The older cat responded, “Well, I have never been to Cat Philosophy School, but I agree: Happiness is in our tails. However, I have found that when I just wander around enjoying life, it follows me everywhere I go.”


The same goes for building an efficient, happy team.

In particular on the happiness side, this idea was highlighted in a 2011 study by Yale psychologist June Gruber and colleagues who found that pursuing happiness may lead to increased expectations that, if gone unmet, would actually have the opposite effect of happiness.

So instead of chasing efficiency and happiness to the extremes, we may be better off pursuing it calmly and rationally. Trying new team experiments is a great way to go, so long as you keep expectations in check.

Over to You

What have you found to work best when putting your team together?

I’d love to learn any of your lessons and to brainstorm things together. Let me know what has been successful in your workplace in the comments below.

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