Friday, July 17, 2015

16 of the Worst Typos, Grammatical Errors & Spelling Mistakes We've Ever Seen


Here’s the thing. Typos happen. No matter how vigilant you are, no matter how many times you run spell check, no matter how many times you proofread, one of those suckers will slip through.

Maybe that’s why whenever I catch a typo in someone else’s content, I’m suddenly a little bit happier. Some call that schadenfreude; others call it being a jerk. Either way, I know I’m not alone in this sentiment. Seeing other people’s mistakes just makes you feel a little less alone in this crazy world.

Eliminate typos and grammatical errors from your writing by downloading our free writing style guide here.

The other thing about typos? Some are worse than others. A mitskae like tihs isn’t as bad as … well, as bad as the 16 errors you’re about to see. For those who need to indulge in their schadenfreude or just let off some steam from the week, we’ve compiled some of the most hilarious typos and grammar errors in marketing.

(P.S. Some mistakes are more difficult than others to spot. Can you find them all?)

16 Funny Typos, Grammatical Errors & Spelling Mistakes

1) Childhood education is paramount to our future.


Image credit: 11 Points

2) Someone used CTRL + F a little too hastily.


Image Credit: The Huffington Post

3) Technically speaking, this typo isn’t too terrible …


Image Credit: WCPO

4) Finally, a fabulous ad for a fantastic movie.


5) Attention to detail could’ve saved this company from embarrassment. 


Image credit: entros

6) Ironic Twitter shaming: a dish best served cold.

7) This ad is cringeworthy for grammatical reasons, too.

8) The one-two typo punch …

First, the poster: 


Image credit:

Next, the apology tweet (which has since been deleted):


Image credit: The Chronicle of Higher Education

9) Are gender-specific calls-to-action the next trend in marketing?


Image credit: Engrish and Funny Typos

10) This typo wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t a Promoted Tweet.


Image credit: Simply Silvy Says

11) Pssst … I think something’s a little off.


Image credit: Jazarah!

12) Did they edit this ad in a New York minute?


Image credit: Engrish and Funny Typos

13) “Amercia the Beautiful” …


Image credit: Visual Arts Studio

14) Not exactly attracting the brightest of students …


Image Credit: The Huffington Post

15) Perfection certainly does have its price.


Image Credit: The Huffington Post

16) But … we’ve all been there.


Ever let a typo slip through the cracks of your marketing? Share your stories with us in the comments – we promise, this is a safe place.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in June 2013 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

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