Thursday, April 23, 2015

7 Brilliant Video Marketing Campaigns You'll Actually Enjoy Watching


Riddle me this – why do people buy quarter-inch drill bits?

While there are a million possible answers to this question, Leo McGinneva offers perhaps the most interesting explanation.

“They don’t want quarter-inch bits. They want quarter-inch holes,” he explains.

This notion suggests that as consumers, we aren’t after all the bells and whistles as much as the solutions they provide. In other words, we don’t want to know what brands are selling, we want to know what’s in it for us.

Not only has this mentality lead to the demise of traditional marketing efforts, but it’s also set the stage for more human interactions between brands and consumers. Interactions that don’t feel like marketing.

And what better medium to propel this new wave of humanized marketing than video? It’s one of the most effective mediums for marketers – a study by Invodo discovered that 52% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI.

To help inspire your own video marketing efforts, we’ve rounded up seven lovable video marketing campaigns. So go ahead, grab some popcorn. These examples will be waiting here when you get back.

7 Examples of Brilliant Video Marketing Campaigns

1) Progressive’s Small Business Tips

Expertly crafted by the brand storytellers at Arnold Boston, the Small Business Big Dreams series presented by Progressive is a perfect example of human, value-driven video marketing.

There is nothing gimmicky or demanding about the stories presented – just real, relatable business advice from people just like you and me.

Pro tip: Highlight your customers – they can explain the benefits of your business much more convincingly than you can.

2) Dove’s #ChooseBeautiful 

Dove does it again.

While this video marketing campaign by Ogilvy & Mather Chicago has received some mixed reviews, there is no denying Dove is adept at crafting stories and encouraging their community to participate in those stories.

By focusing less on their product and more on their mission, Dove has been successful in creating emotional viral videos that have helped them stay top-of-mind.

Pro tip: Think about tying your marketing to a larger mission to cultivate a loyal following. According to data from Gallup, customers who are more loyal and emotionally attached to brands bring in 23% more revenue, so take advantage of this by committing to marketing that makes them feel recognized and important. 

3) Google Earth’s Homeward Bound

This emotional account of Saroo Brierley’s journey to trace back his original roots after a tragic separation from his family is nothing short of powerful.

By inserting their product into a story of loss, love, and restoration, Google Earth was successful in positioning its capabilities as undeniably life changing – but it doesn’t feel too showy.

The video makes you feel that Google Earth isn’t out to make money, but rather they are out to build a service to improve the lives of their users.

Pro tip: Appeal to emotion. While you don’t want to abuse this approach, emotion is an incredibly powerful driver that can influence the way people act and respond to your product or service.

4) Facebook’s ‘How-To’ Tutorials

In this four-part series, Facebook presents four different functions of the platform as they relate to real-life scenarios, such as the need to block your ex (or unblock your ex when you get back together).

While the tutorials are tied directly to the service, they’re not pitchy. Instead, they aim to provide solutions to their users’ most common questions in a way that’s actually entertaining.

Pro tip: Understand your audience’s needs better than anyone else – and play to them in your videos.

5) American Greetings’ #WorldsToughestJob 

This timely video campaign from Mullen and Cardstore by American Greetings is another excellent example of emotion-driven marketing.

Aside from the small quip about getting your mom a card for Mother’s Day at the close of the video, the bulk of the content is seemingly free of sales innuendo and product placement. Refreshing, right?

By using a creative, faux interview process to bring to light the impressive day-to-day routines of moms everywhere, it’s hard for viewers to walk away from this video not feeling appreciative.

(Now go call your mom and tell her you love her!)

Pro tip: Leverage a plot twist. When the audience can’t predict the outcome, they’ll be more likely to remain engaged throughout the entirety of your content.

6) Intel’s Look Inside

“I’m one of 118 people in history to have reached the top of all seven summits … but I’m the only person to do it blind,” explains Weinhemayer in this moving video campaign from Intel.

As part of Intel’s Look Inside series by Venables Bell & Partners, Intel has proven that you don’t have to push tangibles at people in order to see success from a campaign. In fact, that’s not what people are looking for at all.

By providing viewers with an inspirational look at how technology is changing our experiences, they were able to drum up interest in a way that a traditional, product-centric advertisement couldn’t imagine.

Pro tip: Think in terms of macro and micro. Evaluate the macro effect that your product or service is having on your industry or the world as a whole, and then hone in on someone’s micro experience to deliver a compelling story.

7) Nike Women’s #BetterForIt

This series by Wieden + Kennedy and Nike Women uses honest humor to shed light on the “inner thoughts” women experience at the gym (though I’m certain there is a male equivalent to these types of situations).

This instinctively human account provides viewers with an opportunity to bond with the brand in a way that a promotional piece could not support. This ultimately gives them a leg up on the competition, as a sense of empathy often goes a long way when it comes to influencing a consumer’s preferences.

Pro tip: Insert humor into your messaging. Though it can be tough to pull off, it can lower the barrier between you and your audience and establish a greater sense of relatability.

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